Boolean Data Type in Python

In Python, the Boolean data type is used to represent two possible values: True and False. Boolean values are commonly used in conditional statements and loops to control program flow.

Creating Boolean Values

Boolean values can be created using the bool() function. Any non-zero or non-empty value will be evaluated as True, while zero or empty values will be evaluated as False.

      x = bool(0)
      y = bool(1)
      z = bool("hello")
      print(x)  # False
      print(y)  # True
      print(z)  # True

Boolean Operators

Python provides several operators for working with Boolean values:

  • and: returns True if both operands are True, otherwise returns False
  • or: returns True if either operand is True, otherwise returns False
  • not: returns the opposite of the operand

      a = True
      b = False
      print(a and b)  # False
      print(a or b)  # True
      print(not a)  # False