Member Function with in a c++ class

In C++, a member function is a function that is declared within a class and operates on the objects of that class. Member functions are associated with objects of the class and have access to the class's private and protected members. They define the behavior of the class and allow objects to perform specific tasks or manipulate their internal state.

Member functions can be defined within the class declaration itself or outside the class declaration using the scope resolution operator (::) to specify the class to which they belong. They can have access specifiers such as public, private, or protected, determining their accessibility from outside the class hierarchy.

Here's a simple example demonstrating the definition of member functions within a class:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class MyClass {
    int data;  // Private member variable

    // Member function to set the value of data
    void setData(int value) {
        data = value;

    // Member function to get the value of data
    int getData() {
        return data;

    // Member function to display data
    void displayData() {
        cout << "Data: " << data << endl;

int main() {
    MyClass obj;  // Creating an object of class MyClass

    obj.setData(10);  // Setting the value of data
    cout << "Data retrieved using getData(): " << obj.getData() << endl;  // Retrieving the value of data
    obj.displayData();  // Displaying data using displayData()

    return 0;

Important points about Member Function with in a c++ class

  1. We can declare member function with in public section as well as private section.
  2. We have need of an object to call a function.
  3. We can declare member function inside the class as well as outside the class.

We can also declare member function outside the c++ class.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class MyClass {
    int data;  // Private member variable
    // Declaration of member functions
    void setData(int value);
    int getData();
    void displayData();

// Definition of member function setData() outside the class
void MyClass::setData(int value) {
    data = value;

// Definition of member function getData() outside the class
int MyClass::getData() {
    return data;

// Definition of member function displayData() outside the class
void MyClass::displayData() {
    cout << "Data: " << data << endl;

int main() {
    MyClass obj;  // Creating an object of class MyClass

    obj.setData(10);  // Setting the value of data
    cout << "Data retrieved using getData(): " << obj.getData() << endl;  // Retrieving the value of data

    // Accessing the member function defined outside the class
    obj.displayData();  // Displaying data using displayData()

    return 0;
Note : The :: symbole is know as scope resolution operator.
Each member function is defined using the ClassName:: scope resolution operator before the function name, followed by the function's definition.

Nesting Member Functions in c++ language

Nesting member functions refers to the practice of defining one member function within another member function within a class. This can be useful for encapsulating functionality that is closely related or for breaking down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable parts.

using namespace std;

class sample
   int a,b;

   void getData()
     cout<<"Enter the value of a and b:"<<endl;

   int sum()
     return (a+b); // it will return int value from where it call.

   int diff()
     return (a-b);

    void display(void); // Member Function Declaration.

   void sample::display(void) // Definitionqq
      cout<<"The first Number :"<<a<<endl;
      cout<<"The second Number :"<<b<<endl;
      cout<<"The sum of two numbers are :"<<sum()<<endl;
      cout<<"The differences between two numbers are:"<<diff()<<endl;

  int main()
    sample obj;

Enter the value of a and b:
The first Number :12
The second Number :15
The sum of two numbers are :27
The differences between two numbers are:-3

Array with in c++ class

In C++, you can define an array within a class just like any other member variable. Here's an example demonstrating how to define an array within a class:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class A
	int n, i, a[45];

	void getData();
	int biggest();
	void show();

void A::getData()
	cout << "Enter the size of an array :" << endl;
	cin >> n;
	cout << "Enter the " << n << " elements\n";
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		cin >> a[i];

int A::biggest()
	int i, big = a[0];
	for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
		if (a[i] > big)
			big = a[i];
	return big;

void A::show()
	cout << "The big one is :" << biggest();
int main()
	A obj;
Enter the size of an array :
Enter the 3 elements
The big one is :8

Array of object in c++ class

In C++, you can create an array of objects within a class just like you would create any other array. Here's an example to read the record for more than one student to define an array of objects within a class:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class A

	// private:
	int roll; // default scope is private
	char name[45];

	void getValue(); // Function prototype
	void showValue();

void A::getValue() // function defination
	cout << "Enter the roll number:" << endl;
	cin >> roll;
	cout << "Enter the name :" << endl;
	cin >> name;

void A::showValue() // function defination
	cout << "The Roll : " << roll << endl;
	cout << "The name : " << name << endl;

int main()
	A obj[50]; // Array of an object
	int size, i;
	cout << "Enter the size of an array :" << endl;
	cin >> size;
	cout << "Enter the record of a student :" << endl;
	for (i = 0; i < size; i++)

	cout << "All Records are :" << endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
		obj[i].showValue(); // function calling
Enter the size of an array :
Enter the record of a student :
Enter the roll number:
Enter the name :
Enter the roll number:
Enter the name :
All Records are :
The Roll : 101
The name : Sachin
The Roll : 102
The name : Anil

Object as function arguments in C++

Passing objects as function arguments in C++ allows you to operate on those objects within the function, modifying their state or using their properties to perform some operation.

There are two ways to pass an Object as function arguments in C++

  1. Object as call by value in c++ : The function receives a copy of the object. Changes made to the object within the function do not affect the original object.
  2. Object as call by reference in c++ :The function receives a reference (or pointer) to the original object. Changes made to the object within the function directly affect the original object.

Here we have a program for Object as call by value in c++.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Abc
	int a, b; // private
	void setValue()
		a = 20; 
		b = 45; 
	// Parameterized function geting an object as parameter
	int sum(Abc x); // Declaration of a function

int Abc::sum(Abc x)
	return (x.a + x.b);
int main()
	Abc s; // Object created
	cout << s.sum(s);

Here we have a program for Object as call by referance in c++.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Student
	int roll;
	char name[45];

	void getData();
	void display();

void Student ::getData()
	cout << "Enter the Roll no : " << endl;
	cin >> roll;
	cout << "Enter the name :" << endl;
	cin >> name;

void Student ::display()
	cout << "Roll No : " << roll << endl;
	cout << "Name : " << name << endl;

void swap(Student &s1, Student &s2)
	Student temp = s1;
	s1 = s2;
	s2 = temp;

int main()
	Student stu1, stu2;
	cout << "Enter the Record for student 1 :" << endl;
	cout << "Enter the Record for student 2 :" << endl;
	cout << "Record before swaping :" << endl
		 << endl;
	cout << "The record of Student 1 :" << endl;
	cout << "The record of Student 2 :" << endl;
	swap(stu1, stu2); // Normal function
	cout << "Record After swaping :" << endl
		 << endl;
	cout << "The record of Student 1 :" << endl;
	cout << "The record of Student 2 :" << endl;
Enter the Record for student 1 :

Enter the Roll no :
Enter the name :

Enter the Record for student 2 :

Enter the Roll no :
Enter the name :

Record before swaping :
The record of Student 1 :
Roll No : 101
Name : Sachin

The record of Student 2 :
Roll No : 102
Name : Anil

Record After swaping :
The record of Student 1 :
Roll No : 102
Name : Anil

The record of Student 2 :
Roll No : 101
Name : Sachin

Returning object in c++ using member function

Returning objects in C++ refers to the practice of returning an instance of a class from a function. This allows functions to generate and provide objects to the caller for further use. Use the return statement to return the object from the function

You can return the object either by value or by reference.

  1. Returning object by Value in c++:
  2. Returning object by Reference in c++:

Here we have program for return the object by value.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class sample
	int x;

	void getdata(int a)
		x = a;
	void display()
		cout << x; // c.x= 30
	sample sum(sample b)
		sample c; // x space alocated for c object
		c.x = x + b.x;
		return (c);

int main()
	sample obj1, obj2, obj3;
	obj1.getdata(10); // obj1.x=10;
	obj2.getdata(20); // obj2.x=20;
	obj3 = obj1.sum(obj2);
	cout << "Sum =";
	return 0;
Sum =30

Here we have program for return the object by reference.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Sample {
    int x;

    void setData(int a) {
        x = a;

    void display() const {
        cout << x;

    // Return by reference
    Sample& sum(const Sample& b) {
        x += b.x;
        return *this;

int main() {
    Sample obj1, obj2, obj3;
    obj3 = obj1.sum(obj2); // Assign the result of sum operation directly to obj3
    cout << "Sum = ";
    return 0;
Sum = 30

Constant member function

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class A

	// private:
	int roll; // default scope is private
	char name[45];

	void getValue(); // Function prototype
	void showValue() const;

void A::getValue() // function defination
	cout << "Enter the roll number:" << endl;
	cin >> roll;
	cout << "Enter the name :" << endl;
	cin >> name;

void A::showValue() const // Constant function
	// roll=67; // its just read only // can't change in value
	cout << "The Roll : " << roll << endl;
	cout << "The name : " << name;

int main()
	A obj;
	obj.getValue(); // function Calling
	cout << "Output :" << endl;
	obj.showValue(); // function calling