Sprintf( ) and sscanf( ) Functions

The sprintf( ) function works similar to the printf( ) function except for one small difference. Instead of sending the output to the screen as printf( ) does, this function writes the output to an array of characters. The following program illustrates this.

1. Program to Simple Function.

    void main()
        int i = 10 ;
        char ch = 'A' ;
        float a = 3.14 ;
        char str[20] ;
        printf ( "\n%d %c %f", i, ch, a ) ;
        sprintf ( str, "%d %c %f", i, ch, a ) ;
        printf ( "\n%s", str ) ;
            10 A 3.140000
            10 A 3.140000
            Process exited after 0.05335 seconds with return value 14
            Press any key to continue . . .
Formated String

void main( )
int weight = 63 ;
printf ( "\nweight is %d kg", weight ) ;
printf ( "\nweight is %2d kg", weight ) ;
printf ( "\nweight is %4d kg", weight ) ;
printf ( "\nweight is %6d kg", weight ) ;
printf ( "\nweight is %-6d kg", weight ) ;
        weight is 63 kg
        weight is 63 kg
        weight is   63 kg
        weight is     63 kg
        weight is 63     kg
        Process exited after 0.04775 seconds with return value 20
        Press any key to continue . . .

void main( )
    printf ( "\n%f %f %f", 5.0, 13.5, 133.9 ) ;
    printf ( "\n%f %f %f", 305.0, 1200.9, 3005.3 ) ;


    Even though the numbers have been printed, the numbers have not
    been lined up properly and hence are hard to read. A better way
    would be something like this...


    printf ( "\n%10.1f %10.1f %10.1f", 5.0, 13.5, 133.9 ) ;
    printf ( "\n%10.1f %10.1f %10.1f", 305.0, 1200.9, 3005.3 );
                5.000000 13.500000 133.900000
                305.000000 1200.900000 3005.300000
                       5.0       13.5      133.9
                     305.0     1200.9     3005.3
                Process exited after 0.04943 seconds with return value 33
                Press any key to continue . . .
4.Formatting strings with printf( )

void main( )
char firstname1[ ] = "Sandy" ;
char surname1[ ] = "Malya" ;
char firstname2[ ] = "AjayKumar" ;
char surname2[ ] = "Gurubaxani" ;

/* without formated */
printf ( "\n%s%s", firstname1, surname1 ) ;
printf ( "\n%s%s", firstname2, surname2 ) ;

/* With Formated */
printf ( "\n%20s%20s", firstname1, surname1 ) ;
printf ( "\n%20s%20s", firstname2, surname2 ) ;
                           Sandy               Malya
                       AjayKumar          Gurubaxani
            Process exited after 0.05533 seconds with return value 41
            Press any key to continue . . .
5.The following program shows a few of these conversions, some sensible, some weird.

main( )
char ch = 'z' ;
int i = 125 ;
float a = 12.55 ;
char s[ ] = "hello there !" ;
printf ( "\n%c %d %f", ch, ch, ch ) ;
printf ( "\n%s %d %f", s, s, s ) ;
printf ( "\n%c %d %f",i ,i, i ) ;
printf ( "\n%f %d\n", a, a ) ;
                z 122 0.000000
                hello there ! 6487552 0.000000
                } 125 0.000000
                12.550000 -1610612736

                Process exited after 0.05862 seconds with return value 23
                Press any key to continue . . .
6.Unformatted Console I/O Functions

    main( )
    char ch ;
    printf ( "\nPress any key to continue" ) ;
    getch( ) ; 
    /* will not echo the character */
    printf ( "\nType any character" ) ;
    ch = getche( ) ; 
    /* will echo the character typed */
    printf ( "\nType any character" ) ;
    getchar( ) ; 
    /* will echo character, must be followed by enter key */
    printf ( "\nContinue Y/N" ) ;
    fgetchar( ) ; 
    /* will echo character, must be followed by enter key */ // ERROR Check it.
            Press any key to continue
            Type any characterS
            Type any characterSachin

            Continue Y/N
            Process exited after 9.1 seconds with return value 97
            Press any key to continue . . .
7. ERROR let's check first

void main( )
char ch = 'A' ;
putch ( ch ) ;
putchar ( ch ) ;
fputchar ( ch ) ;
putch ( 'Z' ) ;
putchar ( 'Z' ) ;
fputchar ( 'Z' ) ;
            Process exited after 0.05162 seconds with return value 90
            Press any key to continue . . .

void main( )
char name[50] ;
char footballer[40] ;
printf ( "\nEnter name " ) ;
scanf ( "%s", name ) ;
printf ( "%s", name ) ;

puts ( "Enter name" ) ;
//gets ( footballer ) ; 
/* sends base address of array */ 
// gets not working check it
puts ( "Happy footballing!" ) ;
puts ( footballer ) ;
        Enter name Sachin
        SachinEnter name
        Happy footballing!

        Process exited after 3.361 seconds with return value 0
        Press any key to continue . . .