Union in C Programming

A union in the C programming language is a special data type that allows different variables to be stored in the same memory location. It is similar to a structure but only one member can hold a value at a time.

The syntax for declaring a union in the C programming language is as follows:

union UnionName {
    member1_type member1;
    member2_type member2;
    // Add more members as needed


#include <stdio.h>

union Number {
    int integer;
    float floating_point;

int main() {
    union Number num;

    num.integer = 10;
    printf("Integer: %d\n", num.integer);

    num.floating_point = 3.14;
    printf("Float: %.2f\n", num.floating_point);

    printf("After changing to float, Integer: %d\n", num.integer);
    printf("After changing to int, Float: %.2f\n", num.floating_point);

    return 0;

In this example, we define a union called Number with an integer member of type int and a floating_point member of type float. We can assign values to one member and access it, but when we assign a value to another member, the previously stored value becomes invalid.

Note: Using unions requires careful handling to avoid undefined behavior. Make sure to access the currently active member.

Output :

Integer: 10
Float: 3.14
After changing to float, Integer: 1078523331
After changing to int, Float: 3.14

Here's an example of union initialization and assignment in the C programming language:

#include <stdio.h>

union ExampleUnion {
    int intValue;
    float floatValue;
    char stringValue[20];

int main() {
    // Union Initialization
    union ExampleUnion myUnion = {.intValue = 42};

    // Union Assignment
    union ExampleUnion anotherUnion;
    anotherUnion.floatValue = 3.14;

    // Accessing Union Members
    printf("myUnion intValue: %d\n", myUnion.intValue);
    printf("anotherUnion floatValue: %f\n", anotherUnion.floatValue);

    return 0;

In this code, we define a union called ExampleUnion that has three members: intValue of type int, floatValue of type float, and stringValue of type character array (char[20]).

In the main() function, we demonstrate union initialization and assignment.

First, we initialize the myUnion variable with an initial value of 42 for the intValue member using designated initializer syntax.

Next, we declare the anotherUnion variable and assign a value of 3.14 to the floatValue member.

Finally, we access the union members using dot notation (.) and print their values using printf().

output :

myUnion intValue: 42
anotherUnion floatValue: 3.140000

Key Points about Unions in C

  • Union allows different variables to share the same memory location.
  • Only one member of a union can hold a value at a time.
  • Unions provide a way to store different types of data in a single variable.
  • Accessing an inactive member of a union can lead to undefined behavior.
  • The size of a union is determined by the size of its largest member.
  • Unions are useful when you need to manipulate different types of data using the same memory space.
  • Unions can be used for type punning, which allows interpreting the bits of one member as another member's type.
  • Unions can be combined with structures to create complex data structures that can hold different types of values.
  • Unions can be initialized using member-wise initialization or designated initialization.
  • Unions do not provide built-in type checking, so it's the programmer's responsibility to keep track of the currently active member.
  • Unions can be nested within other unions, allowing for hierarchical data representation.
  • Unions can be used for efficient memory utilization and compact storage of data, especially in low-level programming and embedded systems.

Union Size and Memory Layout

Union size and memory layout are related to how memory is allocated and organized for unions in programming languages.

In programming, a union is a special data structure that allows storing different types of data in the same memory location. It enables you to define a single variable that can hold values of different types but only one type at a time. The memory allocated for a union is based on the size of its largest member.

The size of a union is determined by the size of its largest member, as unions are allocated enough memory to accommodate the largest member. For example, if a union has members of types int, char, and float, and the float type has the largest size among these, the size of the union will be equal to the size of a float.

The memory layout of a union depends on the programming language and compiler being used. In most languages, including C and C++, the memory layout of a union is such that all members share the same memory location, and their values overlap. This means that changing the value of one member will affect the values of other members if they share the same memory space.

It's important to note that accessing a member of a union that was not the most recently assigned value may result in undefined behavior, as there's no type-checking within unions to ensure that the correct member is being accessed. Therefore, unions require careful handling to ensure that the correct member is used at any given time.

Here's a C example to illustrate the size and memory layout of a union:

#include <stdio.h>

union Data {
    int i;
    char c;
    float f;

int main() {
    union Data data;

    printf("Size of data: %zu bytes\n", sizeof(data));

    data.i = 10;
    printf("Value of i: %d\n", data.i);

    data.c = 'A';
    printf("Value of c: %c\n", data.c);
    printf("Value of i after assigning c: %d\n", data.i);

    data.f = 3.14;
    printf("Value of f: %f\n", data.f);
    printf("Value of i after assigning f: %d\n", data.i);

    return 0;

In this example, the Data union has three members: i of type int, c of type char, and f of type float. The size of the Data union will be equal to the size of the largest member, which is float in this case. The memory layout will allow each member to occupy the same memory space, resulting in overlapping values when one member is assigned after another.


Size of data: 4 bytes
Value of i: 10
Value of c: A
Value of i after assigning c: 65
Value of f: 3.140000
Value of i after assigning f: 1084227584

As you can see, when a member is assigned, the value of other members might change, as they share the same memory space. It's crucial to keep track of which member is valid at a given time to avoid unintended behavior.

Unions with Structures in C

      #include <stdio.h>

      struct Rectangle {
          int width;
          int height;

      struct Circle {
          float radius;

      union Shape {
          struct Rectangle rectangle;
          struct Circle circle;

      void printShape(union Shape shape) {
          if (sizeof(shape) == sizeof(struct Rectangle)) {
              printf("Width: %d\n", shape.rectangle.width);
              printf("Height: %d\n", shape.rectangle.height);
          } else if (sizeof(shape) == sizeof(struct Circle)) {
              printf("Radius: %.2f\n", shape.circle.radius);
          } else {
              printf("Unknown shape.\n");

      int main() {
          union Shape shape;

          // Assigning values to Rectangle
          shape.rectangle.width = 10;
          shape.rectangle.height = 5;

          // Assigning values to Circle
          shape.circle.radius = 2.5;

          return 0;

In this code, we define two structures: struct Rectangle and struct Circle. These structures represent a rectangle with width and height, and a circle with a radius, respectively.

We then define a union called union Shape, which includes the struct Rectangle and struct Circle as its members.

The printShape() function takes an instance of the union Shape as a parameter and determines the shape type by comparing the size of the union with the sizes of the individual structures. It then prints the details of the corresponding shape.

In the main() function, we create an instance of union Shape called shape and assign values to its members. We first assign values to the rectangle member and then call printShape() to print its details. Next, we assign values to the circle member and call printShape() again to print the circle's details.


Width: 10
Height: 5
Radius: 2.50

Enumerated Union in C Programming

An enumerated union is a data structure in C programming that combines the features of both unions and enumerations. Like a union, an enumerated union has a single memory location that can store any of its members. However, like an enumeration, the members of an enumerated union are named constants.

To declare an enumerated union, you use the following syntax:

union {
  enum { member1, member2, ... } member;
  type1 member1;
  type2 member2;
} variable;

The enum keyword is used to define the members of the enumerated union. The type keywords are used to specify the data types of the members. The variable name is used to refer to the enumerated union variable.

The following example declares an enumerated union called Color that has three members: RED, GREEN, and BLUE:

union Color {
  enum { RED, GREEN, BLUE } member;
  int red;
  int green;
  int blue;

The Color enumerated union can be used to store any of the three colors: red, green, or blue. The member member can be used to store the color as an enumerated constant, while the red, green, and blue members can be used to store the color as an integer value.

The following code shows how to use the Color enumerated union:

Color color;
color.member = RED;
printf("The color is %d\n", color.red);

The code above will print the following output to the console:

The color is 1

This is because the RED enumerated constant has a value of 1.

Enumerated unions can be a useful data structure for storing data that can be represented by a set of named constants. They can also be used to improve the readability and maintainability of your code.

Here's an example of a program using a structure that includes a union for representing colors:

#include <stdio.h>

union Color {
    enum { RED, GREEN, BLUE } member;
    struct {
        int red;
        int green;
        int blue;

int main() {
    union Color color;
    color.member = BLUE;
    printf("Color: ");
    switch (color.member) {
        case RED:
        case GREEN:
        case BLUE:
            printf("Invalid color\n");
    color.red = 255;
    color.green = 128;
    color.blue = 0;
    printf("RGB values: %d, %d, %d\n", color.red, color.green, color.blue);

    return 0;

In this program, we define a structure called Color, which includes a union. The union contains an enumeration member member that represents the color (RED, GREEN, or BLUE), and a struct that represents the RGB values (red, green, and blue).

In the main function, we declare a variable color of type union Color. We assign the member of the union as BLUE and then use a switch statement to print the corresponding color name.

Next, we assign specific values to the red, green, and blue members of the union and print them.

Note that when using the struct members of the union, you access them directly without referencing the union's name.

When compiling and running this program, you should see the output:

Color: Blue
RGB values: 255, 128, 0

This demonstrates how you can use a structure with a union to represent different aspects of a color using a common memory location.

Unions and Bit Fields in C

Unions and bit fields are two special data types in C that can be used to save memory and improve performance.

A union is a data type that can store multiple data values of different types in the same memory location. This is useful when you need to store multiple related values, such as the x, y, and z coordinates of a point.

To declare a union in C, you use the following syntax:

union my_union {
  int x;
  float y;
  char z;

A union can only store one value at a time. When you assign a value to a union member, all other members of the union are set to their default values.

A bit field is a data type that can store a single bit of data. This is useful when you need to store small pieces of data, such as flags or Boolean values.

To declare a bit field in C, you use the following syntax:

struct my_struct {
  int x;
  bit_field(1) y;
  bit_field(8) z;

The bit_field() macro takes two arguments: the number of bits to store and the name of the bit field.

Bit fields are stored in the same memory location as the other members of the struct. The size of the struct is increased by the number of bits specified for each bit field.

Unions and bit fields can be used to save memory and improve performance. However, they should be used with care. Unions can lead to unexpected behavior if you are not careful, and bit fields can be difficult to read and maintain.

Here are some examples of how unions and bit fields can be used:

  • Storing multiple related values: A union can be used to store multiple related values, such as the x, y, and z coordinates of a point. This can save memory, because only one value needs to be stored in memory at a time.
  • Storing small pieces of data: Bit fields can be used to store small pieces of data, such as flags or Boolean values. This can save memory, because only the bits that are needed are stored.
  • Improving performance: Unions and bit fields can be used to improve performance by reducing the number of memory accesses. For example, if you need to store a large number of flags, you can use a bit field to store each flag in a single bit. This can improve performance, because fewer memory accesses are required to read or write the flags.

Unions and bit fields should not be used when:

  • You need to store large amounts of data.
  • You need to store data that is not related.
  • You need to store data that is not fixed in size.
  • You need to be able to read or write data in a random order.

Bit Fields Example in C

Bit fields allow you to allocate specific numbers of bits within a structure to store data. This feature is useful when you want to optimize memory usage or manipulate individual bits of data. You can specify the number of bits each member should occupy within the structure.

Here's an example of a structure with bit fields:

      #include <stdio.h>

      struct {
          unsigned int flag1: 1; // 1 bit
          unsigned int flag2: 2; // 2 bits
          unsigned int flag3: 5; // 5 bits
      } status;

      int main() {
          status.flag1 = 1;
          status.flag2 = 2;
          status.flag3 = 7;

          printf("flag1: %u\n", status.flag1);
          printf("flag2: %u\n", status.flag2);
          printf("flag3: %u\n", status.flag3);

          return 0;
flag1: 1
flag2: 2
flag3: 7

Note: Unions and bit fields are two special data types in C that can be used to save memory and improve performance. However, they should be used with care, because they can lead to unexpected behavior if they are not used correctly.

Type Checking and Error Handling with Unions in C

In the C programming language, unions provide a way to define a type that can hold different types of data, but only one at a time. When using unions, type checking and error handling can be a bit more challenging compared to structures or individual variables because the type of data stored in a union is not explicitly tracked.

Tagged Union (Discriminated Union)

One common approach is to use a tagged union, also known as a discriminated union. This involves adding an additional field to the union, commonly called a tag, that specifies the type of data currently stored. For example:

typedef enum {
} DataType;
typedef struct {
DataType type;
union {
int intValue;
float floatValue;
char stringValue[50];
} data;
} Data;

Convention-based approach

Another approach is to establish a convention for using the union, where you rely on some external mechanism (such as comments or naming conventions) to indicate the type of data stored. This approach is less robust because it relies on developers following the convention correctly and lacks the built-in type checking provided by the tagged union approach.

typedef union {
    int intValue;     // Assume intValue is used
    float floatValue;
    char stringValue[50];
} Data;

Error Handling

Error handling with unions can be challenging because accessing the wrong member of a union can lead to undefined behavior. It's important to ensure that you always access the correct member based on the current type.

One way to handle errors is by using assertions or conditionals to verify the current type before accessing a specific member:

if (myData.type == INT_TYPE) {
    printf("Integer value: %d\n", myData.data.intValue);
} else {
    printf("Error: Unexpected data type\n");

You can also consider using enums or error codes to indicate and handle errors related to unions in a more structured way.

Remember that unions in C provide flexibility but also require careful handling to avoid errors. It's important to establish clear conventions or use a tagged union approach to ensure type checking and handle errors appropriately.